How to join the SPCC?
【  来源 Click:14516 Date:2009/9/16 Editor:雕塑在线】

How to join the SPCC ?

Please refer the committee's regulation, if you meet the certain requirement, and is engaged in related specialty, and get the introduction given by the people working in this field, you can hand in the application, and you will receive a request form. Or please click on downloading  Apilication form of SPCC .After you filling in the form, please mail to the address:

The official email box of SPCC is linkman is Ms. Mengjia.

Address of the organizational committee :

506# Tower A, Jin-Song-Jia-Yuan, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China (100021)

Tel:0086-10—87779476                Fax:0086-10—67763749

Mail:                 Web:

DOWNLOAD:Apilication form of SPCC


The Regulation of

the Sculpture Professional Committee

of China

Chapter 1 General principles

Item 1

The Sculpture Professional Committee of China is a part of the Chinese industrial arts Association, and is a nationwide specialized association. The committee has industrial art master, the sculpture artist as well as large quantities of promising youth artist who enjoyed the fame of the nation. The committee was the ligament of domestic and foreign sculpture worker and the government, also it's an assistant of developing the national sculpture. Our English name is the Sculpture Professional Committee of China.


Item 2 Tenet

Following the party's literary instruction, the committee stick to the principles that serving for the people and serving for the socialism. We encourage different forms of creation. The committee gather the national wide sculptor, the amateur who supports the career, and the foreign artist to create more and better excellent works. At the same time, we should outlook the future, build up the consciousness of high-quality sculpture, implement high-quality sculpture strategy, make significant contribution to the prosperity and the development of Chinese Sculpture.


 Item 3 Task

 1.Under the party's literary instruction, we encourage different kinds of sculpture works. Also, we will help the members to create more excellent works which can move and encourage the people. We will organize the exhibition regularly or non-periodically to promote different style, different school, different expressional means, different artistic technique exchange and study.

 2.Based on the society in china, we will carry out multi-level and the multi- forms continuing education, organize the training class and academic course, popularize the professional knowledge. The committee will lay the widespread foundation for the prosperity and the development of the sculpture career.

 3.The committee publishes the professional magazine "Sculpture" regularly, print the collection of the professional thesis, and publish the related specialized books in succession.

 4.The committee provided the service for the society, glorify the environment inside and outside the room. The committee provides the training about the design about the environment inside and outside the room, the design of CI, and the design of trademark. The committee also provide the design of the book, traveling souvenir, and craftwork to satisfy different people.

 5.The committee will hear the member's opinions, protect the member's rights and interests. The sculpture work will be evaluated by the expert. And we will commend outstanding staff and excellent artist. At the same time, the committee will discover and recommend the talented person.

 6.The committee will develop the communication about domestic and foreign sculpture skills. Base on the national sculpture characteristic, the committee will absorb the world wide outstanding sculpture technique. We make the past serve present and foreign culture serve china. We will promote and spread the advanced sculpture skills to make the artist create more excellent works.


Chapter 2 Members

Item 4 qualification

 Anyone who admit the committee's regulation or the members of Chinese Industrial Association or Chinese Artist Association can be the member's. Before you become the members of the committee, you must have other member's introduction and the authorization of the committee.


Item 5 qualification for different kinds of members

1.individual member who has one of following conditions, may apply for the member:

⑴ People who has technical title of industrial artist, assistant researcher, engineer, the lecturer above.

⑵ People who graduate from the technical college or equal university, engage in teaching research, production works more than two years. People who has certain level of sculpture art . Sculpture art amateur and professional individuals.

⑶ People who loves sculpture enterprise, supports the committee's work, has certain ability of organization or the leader ingage in sculpture field.

2.association members: Any work group who engaged in related business unit, the scientific research, the design, the teaching unit can become the members after having the standing committee's authorization.

3.communication member: Foreign academician and the brethren from Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan who achieve certain level of sculpture and show friendliness to China can be the member after having the standing committee's authorization.

4.honor member:Anyone who makes a great contribution to Chinese Sculpture or the committee can be the member after having other member's recommendation and standing committee's authorization.

Item 6 The right and the duty of the member

1.individual member:

(1) Right:

a. The member have the right to elect or be elected.

b. The member have the right to critic and suggest the committee's work.

c. The member have the priority of taking part in the academic activity, and getting the committee's publication and information.

d. The member can get the preferential price of the magazines and books published by the committee.

e. The member have the priority to be arranged in different kinds of academic conference, and enjoys the favorable treatment of registry fee.

(2) Duty :

a. Attends most activities organized by the committee , completing missions given by the committee ;

b. Implements the committee's decision, maintain the credit standing of the committee.

c. Pays the tax regularly.

2. Association members:

(1) Right :

a. The member have the priority of getting committee's publication and information and publish the introduction of member unit.

b. The member have the priority of getting the information on technical consultation, product engineer, design, and originality.

c. The member have the right to suggest the committee organize related training programme or sculpture invention activity.

 (2) Duty:

a. The members have to participate in the committee's activity, implement the committee's decision and complete the mission the committee gives.

b. The members have to assist the committee to carry out related academic and popular science activity, and choose the deputy to attend the academic activity.

c. The member have to subsidize the committee, participate in the academic activity positively;

d. The member have to pay the tax on time.

 3. communication member

(1) Right:

a. The member could spend less money to buy the publication and releated information, or get them for free sometimes.

b. The member could get invitation for the academic activity organzie by the committee in China.

c. The member could attend international academic conference , according to different cases, we may reduce conference registry fee for you.

d. The member could publish the academic paper or show the works in the committee's publication.

 (2) Duty:

a.The member have to support the committee's work, presents related academic information. For example: the member could assist the committee to carry out the international academic exchange, related exhibition, and recommend foreign expert to give lectures.

b. The member have to pay the tax regularly.


Item 7

If the committee's member makes his home outside China after the government's authorization, we still preserve his membership in the committee. If the member become the citizen of other countries, he can be the communication member after apply again.


Item 8

The member has the freedom to join other association, and the right to quit the committee. If you don't come to time for two years, you will be seen as quitting the committee automatically.


Item 9

Any member who beak the committee's rules or violate the criminal law will be cancelled the membership after the committee's determination.


Chapter 3 the structure of the organization

Item 10

 The committee's top authorized department is the National Member Congress, whose conference was hold five years a time. The congress's responsibility is:

 First, decide the committee's work policy and key work in the future;

Second, examine and approve the report about committee's work;

Third, elect the new committee;

Fourth, edit the regulation of the committee;

Fifth, discuss the resolution and the instance of income and expenses of the committee.

Item 11

 The member congress's institution of implementation is the committee. According to the number of the members in different provinces, cities, autonomous regions, the committee will decide the number of the candidate. The congress is made up of 80 to 90 people. The committee will elect one president, a certain numbers of vice-president, one secretary-general, and a certain numbers of vice-secretary-general. The responsibility of the congress is that:

(1) Implement the decision which congress made

(2) Examine and establish the plan of the committee

(3) Lead the members develop the activity

(4) Assemble the people to join the congress

(5) Recommend excellent works, papers, encourage the excellent originator and staff, organize the professional authentication.

Item 12

 The congress elects the president, vice-president. secretary-general and standing director. The standing committee composed of the people referred.

Item 13

 The committee needs to be made up of old, middle-aged and young people. And the congress have to reelect the leaders three to five years a time.

Item 14

 The committee retains the reputable expert and related maven to be advisor.

Chapter 4 relation of leadership

Item 15

The committee is leading by the Chinese Industrial and arts Association, the committee's operation is leading by the Chinese Artist Association, and the specialty subject is leading by the committee.


Chapter 5 Management

Item 16 Origination of the committee's outlay

 Fifth chapter management

16th article this meeting funds origin

(1) The higher authority learns subsidization from superior institution.

(2) Donation from domestic, foreign units, and individual;

(3) Membership tax;

(4) Income from other activity.


Chapter 6 Supplementary articles

Item 17

This regulation will carry out after the discussion of the committee.

Item 18

The committee office is located in 506 A Building, JinSong Garden , Guanghenanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing temporarily.


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